What DO We Call our Music???

I bet if Eric and I had a dime for every time we have been asked this we would have great retirement funds! I describe our music as melodic instrumental and I would even go so far as to say that it is Pop Instrumental. I'm starting the movement right now. The various real and virtual stores used to put it in New Age, this year our music was found in the category of Contemporary Folk for the GRAMMY voting. I think one of the things that is interesting about our music is that our compositions defy categories. We know what it isn’t; it isn’t jazz, it isn’t classical, it isn’t folk --- it’s kind of a blend of all of those and sometimes a little world, a little pop and a little country. I’m certain that a lot of this has to due with our unique instrumentation of oboe, English horn, double ocarinas and guitar. It just ain’t normal! Quite honestly, I never really give a thought about trying to write music “in a category”, unless I am assigned a project that demands it. I write music that sounds right to me at the time. As I got older and “into the music business” I realized what a challenge this can be for people trying to “find” the music!! If things are hard to find we often give up searching. I do have the perfect solution however. Just learn how to spell our names!!! (which is often easier said than done!) You can always find us online and we'll help! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!! Thanks, Nancy

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